Daily Bible Reading

I can’t reccomend to you highly enough the practice of daily bible reading. And while it’s not a magic ticket to spiritual growth, if you approach bible reading with an intention to meditate on how the passage you’re reading reflects the person and character of Jesus, then the scripture will work its way into your heart, and you will find yourself changing to look more like Jesus yourself. Even better, if you can find one or two others to read together.

Who is Robert Murray M’Cheyne?

Robert Murray M’Cheyne (21 May 1813 – 25 March 1843) was a minister in the Church of Scottland from 1835 to 1843. He was a preacher, a pastor, and a poet, and left a legacy of many pastoral letters to his church [1] [2] [3]. He was also a man of deep piety and a man of prayer. He was born at Edinburgh on 21 May 1813, was educated at the university and at the Divinity Hall there, and served as assistant minister at two churches in the surrounding countryside. A mission of inquiry among the Jews throughout Europe and in Palestine, and a religious revival at his church in Dundee, made him feel that he was being called to evangelistic rather than to pastoral work, but before he could carry out his plans he died, on 25 March 1843. McCheyne, though wielding remarkable influence in his lifetime, was still more powerful afterwards, through his Memoirs and Remains, edited by Andrew Bonar, which ran into far over a hundred English editions. Some of his hymns became well known and his Bible reading plan is still in common use.

Link: Wikipedia Article on Robert Murray M’Cheyne