Membership at Cornerstone


We highly value church membership at Cornerstone, as we believe it is the best environment for discipleship as seen in the New Testament. The Bible uses the language of “membership” when describing the church within the analogy of it being the “body of Christ” (1 Cor. 12). As each local church is organized underneath Jesus Christ as the head of the body, each individual Christian has an important role to play in building up and strengthening the church. Membership is also practically helpful in a few ways. First, it clearly defines the relationship between believers here at our church as brothers and sisters in Christ. Secondly, it allows the pastors and elders of our church to know who they are spiritually responsible for (Heb. 13:17), who they are to prioritize in their counseling and care (Gal. 6:10), and who they are to equip for the work of ministry (Eph. 4:12). Lastly, it is our expectation that the members of Cornerstone are bearing the burden of ministry through sacrificially investing their time, treasure and talents to see the mission of our church more fully realized.

If you have been attending Cornerstone and are looking to become more involved, we would encourage you to jump into our next round of membership meetings. In order to honor the dynamics involved in church membership, we have a membership process at Cornerstone. The first step is to attend our Discovering Church Membership seminars, which we host periodically throughout the year. In this seminar, we share about the history, mission, vision, core values, and culture at our church, overview a biblical framework of membership, have a discussion about some of our beliefs and theological convictions, and review our membership covenant. After this time together, a meeting can be scheduled with one of our pastors to finalize the membership process.

Check out the calendar page or the HUB to see when these next meetings are scheduled! If you’re interested in more information about membership, contact us today!