Matthew 14:13-21
The Lord has compassion for us.. The Lord employs our help.
Matthew 14:13-21
The Lord has compassion for us.. The Lord employs our help.
Acts 4:7-22
You have been bought with a price. Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone.
Acts 4:1-12
Peter and John met with opposition from the darkness. Darkness can not overtake the Light.
Acts 3:11-26
Informed them of the true identity of Jesus. If they changed, told them what God would do in their lives.
Acts 3:1-10
The people were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.
Isaiah 46
God is greater than our idols. Put to death our idols and trust in a God who is faithful.
Acts 2:40-47
Especially the foundations of this church as a whole.
Acts 2:22-41
Wonder working life of Jesus. He is a life changer. He will work thru good and evil to do His purpose.
Acts 2:14
Peter addresses the crowd.
Luke 18:1-8, James 5:13-16
Prayer is the opportunity to ask God for guidance and our requests.